Monday, July 21, 2008

Oddest Decision...

escapades of the Woman at 9:05 PM

[Now Listening: Prisoner of Love - Utada Hikaru]
[mood: ...]

Well... I am supposed to be working on my take home exam in Comm 100. But I don't have the energy to read (as well as to look on my questionnaire and the articles needed to be read) and answer those brain-melting questions. To think that this take home exam is my prelims exam for the said subject. *laughs*

I find myself pretty odd lately especially today.

When I woke up in the sound of my alarm clock, my mind just spoke to me. I almost said it loudly. It was like my mind made a decision or just said something due to sudden brain activity (I have no idea what I am talking about). My mind just spoke the words... "I don't want to socialize anymore. I don't want to talk to people anymore."

Well, I know that what I said was insane and totally absurd. But I really do feel that I'm tired of talking to other people.

Maybe someone who's concerned might ask... Why is that so?

The answer to that question is I don't know... *laugh*

I just know one thing right now...

I'm missing my friend right now. And it hurts like hell whenever I see her messages for everyone but my name's not included there.

And I think I should just quit... well, quietly so that other people won't notice that I'm gone in the group.

That group meant everything for me from the start. It's the place where I met my friend and my buddies. It's the place where I belong ever since my hardships started. It's my paradise...

But then, as times passes, things began to change. And I didn't notice that those changes happened to us too.

The time we usually spend together before, was started to be snatched away from us... Making us too busy with our own businesses that we didn't have time to talk or either to text each other anymore...

In short, our bonding time had cut short...

Maybe to other people, it's not normal for a certain friend to act like this. But... I am missing her. What can I do??

She's like a sister to me... much more a twin...

If you're reading this right now...

I miss you...


Anonymous said...

if paradise is starting to feel like reality, go look for another paradise

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